Collection: • Night Lights

No matter what age you are or if you are afraid of the dark or not, using a night light can offer numerous benefits to your bedroom. Plugging in a night light into an outlet in your bedroom can provide unparalleled and warm illumination. Night lights for the bedroom can provide just enough light to the room during the evening and night, allowing you to walk around, even in a half-slumber, with confidence.

For those with children, night lights in the kids’ room can also assist parents to check in on their sleeping little ones without waking them up using the bright overhead light. Plus, these lights can offer some much-needed comfort to children if/when they do wake in the dark. However, you shouldn’t choose just any night light for either children or adults. Opt for some of the finest offerings, especially glass night lights specifically designed for the bedroom.

Here at J Devlin, we are proud to offer some of the most stunning plug-in night lights for the bedroom. They are all intricately designed and crafted to bring the most out of every illumination. Our night lights are made using the finest glass, including stained glass, fused stained glass, decorative fused glass, and more.

They also have an abundance of images and features on them to satisfy any and all personal preferences including but not limited to:

● Swimming fish
● Buzzing hummingbirds
● Peaceful angels
● Flowers and trees
● Religious symbols
● Classic symbols, like hearts and stars
● Clean and non-specifically designed pieces

These night lights will not only perfectly light up your bedroom but will also provide it with an enamoring and delicate adornment, making them unique home decor elements. If you have any questions about our night lights or other glass creations, give us a call at 844-772-2145.